C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
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472 lines
AS8, a Z8 Crossassembler
by: H.-G. Willers
Gartenstrasse 11
D-8047 Karlsfeld
This document dated 11-jan-90
This document briefly describes the features
of my crossassembler for the Z8 microprocessor,
called AS8.
This assembler is based on some code found in
a crossassembler for the Z80 microprocessor as
published on the DECUS tape 11-SP-18.
The code was polished up (e.g. adding a hashtable
for the symbols instead of linear search) and
many bugs were fixed.
The resulting code acts as a skeleton for my
assemblers like this one: AS8.
The source code was compiled, using:
o Mark Williams Let's C (Vers. 3.0.2)
o Microsoft QuickC (Vers. 1.01)
o System 5.3 UNIX C for 68020
o Interactive UNIX 386 3.2 2.1
To compile and link under Mark Williams C the file
'time.c' contains some hacks to simulate the missing
library functions.
The code is provided on an 'as is' basis.
No responsibility for any malfunction of the
assembler per se or any assembled program can
be taken. You use it at your own risk.
Please send comments and improvements to the
author at the above address.
Commandline Syntax
AS8 is invoked by the following commandline:
as8 [-nl] sourcefile.ext
The options mean:
-l generates a listing named sourcefile.l
-n do not generate an object file
In the process of producing a name for the
object file or the listing file the extension
of the sourcefile is stripped. Any possible
restrictions of filename use in a given
operating system may apply.
Source Syntax
The syntax of a source line for AS8 is as follows:
label: opc src, dst / comment
The 'label' is optional; if used, it must be followed
by a colon.
'Opc' is the memonic representation for the
instruction to be used.
The source and destination operands are written
as source first, then destination.
Comments are introduced by the character '/'.
Multiple statements per line are separated by ';',
for example: nop ; nop ; nop
A symbol in as8 is a entity with a label set by
a label or a direct assignment. The number of
characters per symbol is 33 as distributed.
It can be changed by adjusting the defined
constant 'NCPS' to the desired value.
Symbols can consist of the characters of
the ASCII character set, but must begin with either
a-z, A-Z, or the characters '.' or '_' (see
the routine 'isidc(c)' ).
Local Labels
There are 9 local labels: 1 - 9. references in the
forward direction are indicated by a 'f', appended
to the label number, references backwards are
indicated by a trailing 'b'.
For example:
1: nop
sob w16,1b / label 1 backwards
call 2f / label 2 forward
2: ret
Each local label is reassigned to its new value
when reused.
Number Representation
The default radix is decimal. The allowed digits
range from 0 - 9.
Base 16 numbers (hex) are denoted by a leading '0x'.
For example: 0x20 is the same as 32.
Base 8 numbers (octal) are denoted by a leading '0'.
For example: 012 is the value of the ascii character CR.
Base 2 numbers are preceeded by a '0B'.
For example: 0B01010101 is the same as 0x55.
Literal constants are enterd by the character ' ,
followed by the desired ASCII character.
Expressions are made up from numbers (or symbols)
and arithmetic operators.
Expression evaluation is done from left to right.
This order can be changed by parenthesis with '[ .. ]'.
The binary arithmetic operators are + , -, *, and %.
The operator '%' in AS8 means / ( because comments
are introduced by '/' ).
The bitwise logical operators are
& bitwise AND
| bitwise inclusive OR
^ bitwise exclusive OR
> right shift
< left shift
The following unary operators are supported:
- two's complement
! one's complement
Pseudo Operators
.byte symbol
Generates one byte consisting of the value of 'symbol'.
.byte 0x20 / one byte (ascii space)
.word symbol
Generates one word consisting of the value of 'symbol'.
The word is generated with the byte ordering of the Z8:
nameley the upper 8 bits first (big endian byte ordering).
.word 0x1000 / generates the bytes 0x10 and 0
.ascii string
Generates the named string as a sequence of ascii characters.
The first character of the string is taken as a terminator.
The string ends, when the terminator is found again.
.ascii "Hi there!" / ascii string
.asciz string
Generates the named string as a sequence of ascii characters.
The string is followed by a null-character. The first character
of the string is taken as a terminator. The string ends, when
the terminator is found again.
.asciz "Hi there!" / ascii string with trailing zero
.blkb count [, value]
Space for 'count' bytes is left free. If the optional 'value'
is not given, null bytes are taken for filling; bytes
with the 'value' are taken otherwise.
.blkb 100, 0x20 / 100 (decimal) bytes of content 0x20
/ are filled up
.blkb 0x1000 / 4096 bytes of content 0
The listing is advanced by one page.
.title string
The title line for the listing is set. The string starts
with a terminator, which also end the string.
.title "simple demo"
Sets the radix for number output in the listing to
Sets the radix for number output in the listing to
Starts listing generation. This is the default state.
Stops listing generation.
.end symbol
The entrypoint of the loaded program is set to 'symbol'.
The start record of the produced intel-hex-tape is set
to this value.
.end _main / program starts at _main
Location Counter
The location counter is set by the assignment of '.' to
the desired value.
. = 0x1000 / sets the location counter
/ to 0x1000
Addressing Modes
(See file z8tst.z8 for clarification)
Register: r0 - r255
Working Register: w0 - w15
Register Indirect: e.g. ... (r0)
Working Register Ind.: e.g. ... (w6)
Indexed: e.g. mov r100(w0),w1
Immediate: e.g. add $1,w0
Direct, relative indicated by a label
Instruction Description
AS8 ZILOG switch in 'xasm' base opcode
--- ----- ----------------
ccf ccf S_OP0 0xef
di di S_OP0 0x8f
ei ei S_OP0 0x9f
reti iret S_OP0 0xbf
nop nop S_OP0 0xff
rcf rcf S_OP0 0xcf
ret ret S_OP0 0xaf
scf scf S_OP0 0xdf
srp srp S_OP2 0x31
clr clr S_OP3 0xb0
com com S_OP3 0x60
da da S_OP3 0x40
dec dec S_OP3 0
pop pop S_OP3 0x50
push push S_OP3 0x70
rl rl S_OP3 0x90
rlc rlc S_OP3 0x10
rr rr S_OP3 0xe0
rrc rrc S_OP3 0xc0
sra sra S_OP3 0xd0
swap swap S_OP3 0xf0
call call S_OP4
jmp jp DA S_OP5 0x8d
jcs jp c,DA S_OP5 0x7d
jcc jp nc,DA S_OP5 0xfd
jeq jp z,DA S_OP5 0x6d
jne jp nz,DA S_OP5 0xed
jpl jp pl,DA S_OP5 0xdd
jmi jp mi,DA S_OP5 0x5d
jov jp ov,DA S_OP5 0x4d
jnov jp nov,DA S_OP5 0xcd
jge jp ge,DA S_OP5 0x9d
jlt jp lt,DA S_OP5 0x1d
jgt jp gt,DA S_OP5 0xad
jle jp le,DA S_OP5 0x2d
juge jp uge,DA S_OP5 0xfd
jult jp ult,DA S_OP5 0x7d
jugt jp ugt,DA S_OP5 0xbd
jule jp ule,DA S_OP5 0x3d
br jr DA S_OP6 0x8b
bcs jr c,DA S_OP6 0x7b
bcc jr nc,DA S_OP6 0xfb
beq jr z,DA S_OP6 0x6b
bne jr nz,DA S_OP6 0xeb
bpl jr pl,DA S_OP6 0xdb
bmi jr mi,DA S_OP6 0x5b
bov jr ov,DA S_OP6 0x4b
bnov jr nov,DA S_OP6 0xcb
bge jr ge,DA S_OP6 0x9b
blt jr lt,DA S_OP6 0x1b
bgt jr gt,DA S_OP6 0xab
ble jr le,DA S_OP6 0x2b
buge jr uge,DA S_OP6 0xfb
bult jr ult,DA S_OP6 0x7b
bugt jr ugt,DA S_OP6 0xbb
bule jr ule,DA S_OP6 0x3b
sob djnz wr,RA S_OP7 0x0a
add add S_OP8
adc adc S_OP8 0x10
sub sub S_OP8 0x20
sbc sbc S_OP8 0x30
or or S_OP8 0x40
and and S_OP8 0x50
tcm tcm S_OP8 0x60
tm tm S_OP8 0x70
cmp cmp S_OP8 0xa0
xor xor S_OP8 0xb0
mov ld dst,src S_OP9
incw incw S_OP10 0xa0
decw decw S_OP10 0x80
inc inc S_OP11 0x20
dec dec S_OP12
movp ldc 'move from/to program memory'
movd lde 'move from/to data memory'
movpi ldci 'move from/to prog. mem autoincr.
movdi ldei 'move from/to data mem autoincr.'
Error Messages
Errors in the source code are flagged in the listing
and in the terminal output by a one letter indicator.
This is a list of the error indicators:
a assembly error
o branches out of range
o 'srp' with wrong value
o illegal addressing modes
e argument not even (e.g. working reg. pair)
m symbol multiply defined
o undefined opcode name
p phase error: labels do not have the
same values in pass1 and pass2 of assembly
q questionable syntax:
o digit without ':'
o .ascii or .asciz directive with no args
o '[' and ']' not paired
r types of arithmetic expression do not
t value of a byte to be output is
out of range
u symbol undefined
z object buffer overflow
The original source code (Z80 crossassembler as found
on DECUS 11-SP-18) is to the best of my knowledge in
the public domain.
My software for AS8 (opcode handling, misc. changes)
is hereby released into the public domain.
All registered trade marks belong to their owners.